Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Hello out there.

In case you were wondering, we didn't fall off the face of the planet - just the Internet. The kids and I left for San Diego on the 17th. We flew out of the little terminal and it was awesome. I don't ever want to fly a major airline again! Justin got a pass to walk us to the plane, and everyone was helpful through security. It makes me think I might be willing to fly with the kids by myself again someday. We are heading home today. The 10 day trip has been fun, but proven to be a bit too long for the kids. That's not really a surprise. Ty has been ready to go home and play with Daddy for a few days now. Aubree misses her pets a lot. I miss Daddy too. We've been here so long I'm starting to forget him!

We finally got to see my Gramma and Grampa on Sunday. The kids were fighting to sit in their Great Gramma's Great Granny's rocking chair. It was great! There have been times in the past when they would not sit in the chair for anything. So we all ran to get the camera's. I'll post pics after we get home and settled. So, in about 3 weeks.

Daddy's been remodeling the kitchen while we're away. I'm excited and nervous to see it. We're doing the cheapest remodel we could manage. Just a little something to spruce it up so it's more fun to be in. It's so small, I think it will be much more enjoyable to cram yourself in there if it at least looks good.

I hope I have the energy to write about Chelsea and Jason's Wedding sometime this week. I cried so much! I'm such a crier. I was so happy for them and so honored to be included. It rocked.

Alright, Ta Ta For Now.