Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I wish blogger came with a scratch and sniff feature. I want to share the sweet smell of the air out side my house with everyone in the world. The way the flowers all blend in the humid air, is blissful. It's a thick rich sweet smell. It's like candy for your smeller.

Aubree said kitty cat! Just like that. Outta no-where. She's said tiddelee for so long, I may have heard a kittelee in there a few times. But now she can say kitty! Her speech has grown by leaps and bounds in the last month or so. It's amazing to witness. A recent favorite of mine has been her new awareness of flip flops, and the way she struggles a bit to slowly get out 'shloop shlop'.

Our Stillwater native neighbors took us on a sweet turtle hunt last week. We went to Lake McKusik with all the kids. It's only about a 5 min drive from our house. It's gorgeous and green with trees and misc. growth. There are tall long legged birds wading through the shallow shores. And bright colored birds chasing little birds catching bugs. And turtles! Big ones and little ones, fast ones and slow ones, slimy ones and snapping ones. We had so much fun. Leah and Owens Dad brought a butterfly net attached to a broom handle and caught us 6 of the suckers! The kids were in heaven. We brought them all home and borrowed a little plastic pool, dumped in the pond scum, some rocks for sunning, twigs and reeds for shelter and wha-lah! Turtle sanctuary. When Auntie Dev and Uncle Kai got in town, we took them to release the turtles back in the lake. What an awesome adventure.