Sunday, June 21, 2009

Spring fever.

Let's just say, the lack of blogging has to do with spring fever and lots of time spent playing outside.  And, sometimes blogging gets hard.  Some how regurgitating a bunch of emotional things, good and bad, is hard to do at times.  At other time I really like it.

In March, one of my closest girlfriends here in MN lost her baby girl.  She was nearly half way through the pregnancy.  There were complications during the ordeal and they ended up having to take her uterus due to the amount of blood she was losing.  And that's putting it nicely.  She went through 3 entire people's worth of blood.  She nearly didn't make it.  Needless to say, this was hard on everyone.  It's 3 months later and I still get teary eyed about it.  Ty and Aubree both knew our friend was supposed to have a baby and we talked about how her belly was growing.  So now they know that the baby came too soon and didn't make it.  It comes up a lot.  Part of me likes that they know that life isn't peaches and cream all the time, even if they don't get the depth of the pain.  That's life.  I'm sure my little summary doesn't let on how awful this all was, but I'm really not up for writing a novel about it, which I could, it was very bad.  Very sad. 

I have lots to catch up on, but I just can't start writing about it after what I just wrote.  So I'm going to have a moment of silence in memory and honor of the sweet baby girl who we're all sad we didn't get to know.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

This morning and just now.

Aubree:  Where we going to?

Me: Nowhere

Aubree: Yeees-where!


Ty:  Mom, I love you.  I love you more than any other kid has ever loved their mom.  I love you even more than you love me.  I love you more than..... 

on and on and on he went.  He does this a lot.  : )