Well, I didn't write during naptime yesterday did I? I knew I wouldn't. Silly.
Aubree can say just about anything these days. You may not understand her, but she can say it! I'm trying to soak in every moment, like I did with Ty. That was the first time, this is the last time I will experience this awesome process with my own child. Sigh.
A couple of days ago Ty was watching TV standing on his head on the couch with his feet up in the air.... sounds like someone I know, or at least someone I used to know. I don't enjoy being upside down so much anymore.
I put Aubree's hair in real pigtails for the first time a week or so ago. Not just the little hair sprouts on top. All of her hair! I don't think a cuter thing ever existed. And that's crazy because Ty was the cutest thing I'd ever seen. I guess they can share the title.
Ty is "playing" soccer once a week. He took his first class on his birthday, and he was ok with it for the first 15 min. I think he asked to be done about 3 times during that first class. The last time I told him he didn't have to "play", but he had to stay in the class and that he could go sit down somewhere if he wanted. And he did. He sat in the corner cross legged with his elbows on his knees and his head resting in his hands. It made me giggle and cry all at the same time, which is very confusing. After class I praised him for doing an awesome job and we had a treat. The next week he only asked to be done once, I think. By the 3rd class, he was excited to go. Yay! I knew that I knew he'd like it. I'm glad I was right. He's a little boy and true to the definition. So, more school and playing soccer and letting go of naps on school days is working out well for him. The whole, cooped up in the house, getting no exercise, and not enough attention, did not work for him - or me. I can only be a jungle gym to so many people for so many hours for so many days before I start to fall apart.
The spell check is not working lately, I hope my spelling won't run you off. : )
Also, don't forget to click on the pictures link on the side of the page to check for new pics!