Monday, September 10, 2007


Things that Aubree says:

Mom - Maa or Maaaam
Dad - Da
Ty - Ta
Gramma - Ma
Dog - Da
Cat - Meow, more like Meeeeaaaaaahhh
Diaper - Da
Done - Da
Down - Doh
No - NoNoNoNoNoNo or NO!
(And I swear she says 'No I don't want to' all in her little gibberish language!)
Seibu or Bu - Bu
Snap - Na(p - sorta)
Hi - I
Hello - Heeooo
Night Night - *wave
Bye - *wave
Star - Da(r)
Eye - Eye
Nose - No
Ow! - Oweeeeee
Milk - Mo(k)

Some are very regular, some aren't regular yet. The letters in parentheses are only said once in a while. I know these don't seem like a huge deal. But it is so fun to hear her talking and communicating. She still mostly has her own language, which our friend says sounds like the puppy Blue, from Blues Clues!