Thursday, January 15, 2009

Holy Intense Weather Batman!

-23F degrees

I can not believe I'm actually going to leave the house.  Ty has preschool, Aubree has ECFE, which she loves and will be totally upset if we miss.  Then after we go home for an hour, we have to go pick up Ty.  This afternoon is Tys 5 year pre-K check up and Kindergarten sneak peek tonight.......

Breaking news - the phone just rang and it's Krisha letting me know that all Stillwater schools are closed!  No ECFE since that is school related.  Well, we're going to bundle up and run over there for a morning of fleece clothes and coffee.


1 comment:

Hippie Dippy Designs said...

Brrrrrrrr!!! You are braver than me LOL = )