Saturday, September 20, 2008


I'm not much for blogging lately am I? There are probably a hundred things I should record so my memory can't let them disappear in the coming years. But I'm a little outta whack. : ( The thing that I want to record is that, in my every day struggles with life, the thing that is of number one importance to me, is how my kids are doing. The point of this blog, is for them to be able to come back and walk through their childhood and learn a little more about our family and what Mom and Dad were like. Where we came from and how we tried to grow our family with love and hope. Part of this story is that I am battling anxiety and depression. It makes me not want to participate in life. The bummer is, that is exactly the opposite of what I want to show/ teach our kids. I want them to love life and embrace each day and take advantage of every opportunity to soak up more. So, I guess I just want to go on record saying, that I am trying. I am hoping that the good times will out weigh the rough times. That Ty and Aubree will know I love them so much it hurts. And hopefully growing up with a nutty mom isn't all bad.

Well, that's the gist of what I've been avoiding writing down. Let's see if I can cheer us up a bit. Ty started preschool two weeks ago. I love how much he loves to go to school, seeing him so happy puts a huge smile on my face and makes me feel all warm and wonderful inside. He's still mad about Dino's and all things gross and scary. He's boy to the max. And bossy like nobodies business! Oh, and he still hasn't decided which hand he's going to use. Every time I think I have it figured out he switches it up again.

Aubree is getting so big. She talks non-stop while Ty's at school. She's in love with kitties, mermaids (moony's) and Unicorns (lunacorn's). She likes sparkly shoes, all things she deems beautiful, and she's got gorgeous curly hair that's to die for. She's a serious whiner and still wears most meals from head to toe.

Best of all those crazy little monsters hug me and tell me they love me every day. And they truly appreciate all the crafty things I do for them. Like the giant I-Spy quilt I've not yet blogged about. And our crocheted little moosers, since we're Minnesotans now. They will seriously fight over the things that mama made them. That's a fight I can like. LOL

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Computer Woes

I hope to catch up soon.